Go for Shopping in Australia

Yes, the world is getting smaller and flatter, thanks to the internet. Now, you can buy a pashmina shawl directly from Tibet and people from China can directly order Lamingtons and Tim Tams directly from the land down under. However, this interconnectedness is not without drawbacks.

Virtually is NOT as Good as Really

Even if you make a habit of shopping online, you wouldn’t necessarily want to buy from a company based overseas. For instance, if you are thinking of getting life insurance, you wouldn’t want to sign up with a company based in Russia. If you are buying groceries, you wouldn’t want to shop in a US based grocery store. If you are buying a pair of shoes, a power suit, perfume and women’s accessories for a job interview next week, you wouldn’t want to wait two weeks for your order to arrive from China.

I was once browsing through an online shopping directory and I found this online lingerie store that carried the most delightful, lace teddy lingerie. Unfortunately, the “people that be” at the shopping directory failed to mention that the women’s clothing store I bought the lingerie from was in fact based in the U.S. and not in Australia as I originally supposed.

The first time I knew about it was when my credit card bill came and I saw the charge. The teddy I bought cost me more than I was prepared to pay due to the disparity between USD and AUD as well as the currency conversion charge from my own credit card company. Furthermore, I actually had to wait ten days before I received the lingerie that I ordered.

In some cases, indeed, online stores that are virtually in Australia (read: shops that ship to Australia) are just not as good as shops that are really in Australia.

Shops in Oz for Shops that are Really in Australia

Fortunately, Shops in Oz the new Australian shopping directory for Australians, recognizes your need to distinguish Australian shops from shops that are merely available to Australians. Shops in Oz recognizes that even if you welcome the fact that you can buy books and magazines from the U.S, there are times when you need to buy such books and magazines from an Australia-based bookstore.

You can find all sorts of Australian companies at Shops in Oz – from stores that sell sportswear and eyewear to companies that sell pet products and administer auctions. You’ll come across online enterprises that offer flower delivery. If you need a new desktop computer, you’ll find computer hardware as well as computer software stores listed. Traveling would be a breeze with the help of Shops in Oz which has an extensive list of airport parking services, car rental companies and motor as well as travel insurance companies.

The best thing about Shops in Oz is the fact that it lists ONLY companies and service providers that are physically located in Australia. At Shops in Oz, you know that the stores listed are based in Australia, that a quote for $99.00 means 99 Australian Dollars, and that delivery of items purchased should take no longer than a few days because you’re shopping in Australia – not somewhere else.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit Shops in Oz now and discover the convenience of online shopping for Australians. At Shops in Oz, shopping in Australia means just that.
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