Buy Designer Swimwear for Stylish Men

One of the funniest scenes from the movie Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan showed the lead character in a grotesque, green flourescent “mankini”.

It's funny for two reasons. Firstly there is the sheer visual horror of the creation! Then there's the satirical element: Borat, a hick who doesn't understand decadent western society, is trying too hard to be fashionable and stylish. And he's trying to do it with his swimwear. His choice is completely, utterly wrong and he fails spectacularly!

So, the joke depends on people having an awareness of contemporary men's fashion. The fact that it works so well shows that this kind of men's swimwear -- particularly from designer brands -- is now a widely known phenomenon.

Would you have seen such a joke in a movie from the eighties, or even the nineties? Probably not. This is because men's swimwear was simply not known as a “designer” item at that stage (or that if it was, it was so unusual that it was more or less “off the radar”).

So, what does define a "designer" clothing brand?

This term usually refers to a product that has been created by a well known fashion designer who has earned his reputation by putting many years of hard work into developing garments with a completely unique look and feel. He hones his vision to such a degree that it just can't be imitated. These designers are true artists. Much as Picasso and Renoir perfected their art over years, they develop their unique and stylish clothes.

Certainly, their designs may be produced on a large industrial scale. But they are not at all like generic, mass-produced brands. If a well known designer lends his name to a production company it is not a decision he takes lightly. He is passing his name onto the company. And it's that name that is so important, because it evokes so much! Often, the original designer has a clause in the contract demanding that the manufacturer must do justice to his name and reputation and not denigrate it. There are also usually stringent requirements regarding the quality of the materials and processes used in the production of the garments.

So, quality is a major component in designer clothing. But the main characteristic is the artistic vision involved. The men's swimwear designer Gabriel Croissier is a fine example:

Croissier is a former art student who studied in Barcelona, a city renowned for producing many famous artists (and fashion designers). He has created men's clothing lines inspired by a diverse range of artistic styles including cubism and surrealism.

His website includes an outline of the philosophy behind his creations. In it he cites the artistic influence of Picasso, as well as his heartfelt interest in environmental issues. This informs his latest range “Eco-Summer”, which is a celebration of nature.

While some of the big supermarket brands might nod to environmentalism in their men's swimwear ranges, this sentiment often seems glib and contrived. But with Croissier this aspect is clearly genuine, and a large part of his whole artistic vision.

Of course, this approach may not be for everyone. But Croissier is not trying to appeal to everyone. As he says on his site, his swimwear is created "not for the masses but for the people who want to feel special".

This is as good a definition of designer clothing as you'll find anywhere. Clearly, if you wear one of Croissier's creations you are bound to look truly stylish and fashionable -- the very antithesis of Borat!
2 Responses
  1. Unknown Says:

    very good article.

    Informative ...

  2. Thank you very much! Is great to heard so many nice things about my work. I try to do it as good as I can, in any case I put all my hart on it.

    Best regards from Barcelona!

    Gabriel Croissier