Buy Designer Swimwear for Stylish Men

One of the funniest scenes from the movie Borat: Cultural Learnings of America for Make Benefit Glorious Nation of Kazakhstan showed the lead character in a grotesque, green flourescent “mankini”.

It's funny for two reasons. Firstly there is the sheer visual horror of the creation! Then there's the satirical element: Borat, a hick who doesn't understand decadent western society, is trying too hard to be fashionable and stylish. And he's trying to do it with his swimwear. His choice is completely, utterly wrong and he fails spectacularly!

So, the joke depends on people having an awareness of contemporary men's fashion. The fact that it works so well shows that this kind of men's swimwear -- particularly from designer brands -- is now a widely known phenomenon.

Would you have seen such a joke in a movie from the eighties, or even the nineties? Probably not. This is because men's swimwear was simply not known as a “designer” item at that stage (or that if it was, it was so unusual that it was more or less “off the radar”).

So, what does define a "designer" clothing brand?

This term usually refers to a product that has been created by a well known fashion designer who has earned his reputation by putting many years of hard work into developing garments with a completely unique look and feel. He hones his vision to such a degree that it just can't be imitated. These designers are true artists. Much as Picasso and Renoir perfected their art over years, they develop their unique and stylish clothes.

Certainly, their designs may be produced on a large industrial scale. But they are not at all like generic, mass-produced brands. If a well known designer lends his name to a production company it is not a decision he takes lightly. He is passing his name onto the company. And it's that name that is so important, because it evokes so much! Often, the original designer has a clause in the contract demanding that the manufacturer must do justice to his name and reputation and not denigrate it. There are also usually stringent requirements regarding the quality of the materials and processes used in the production of the garments.

So, quality is a major component in designer clothing. But the main characteristic is the artistic vision involved. The men's swimwear designer Gabriel Croissier is a fine example:

Croissier is a former art student who studied in Barcelona, a city renowned for producing many famous artists (and fashion designers). He has created men's clothing lines inspired by a diverse range of artistic styles including cubism and surrealism.

His website includes an outline of the philosophy behind his creations. In it he cites the artistic influence of Picasso, as well as his heartfelt interest in environmental issues. This informs his latest range “Eco-Summer”, which is a celebration of nature.

While some of the big supermarket brands might nod to environmentalism in their men's swimwear ranges, this sentiment often seems glib and contrived. But with Croissier this aspect is clearly genuine, and a large part of his whole artistic vision.

Of course, this approach may not be for everyone. But Croissier is not trying to appeal to everyone. As he says on his site, his swimwear is created "not for the masses but for the people who want to feel special".

This is as good a definition of designer clothing as you'll find anywhere. Clearly, if you wear one of Croissier's creations you are bound to look truly stylish and fashionable -- the very antithesis of Borat!

Buying Commercial Espresso Machines

Choosing a commercial espresso machine for your catering business can be difficult. We hope to make things a little clearer in this article.

A properly commissioned and maintained traditional commercial espresso machine will be an asset to any catering establishment and keep customers contented and coming back for more.

One of the most convenient ways of supplying this insatiable demand is with a traditional espresso machine.

Unlike bean to cup machines, the use of a commercial espresso machine in the making of espresso-based drinks is a more elaborate, time consuming and skilled process. This however adds to the charm and uniqueness of the drink as the customer can usually see each stage of the process and the care taken to produce it.

Watching a skilful and experienced barista operate an espresso machine can be entertaining as they go through the process of making the final delicious beverage.

There are basically two main things to consider when buying an espresso machine; how many group heads and whether to go for semi-automatic or automatic.

Machines come in two, three or four group head varieties (sometimes just one) with associated increase in cost. As each group head is capable of producing two drinks at a time (by using a double spout filter basket) machines are capable of producing 4,6 & 8 drinks correspondingly at the same time. This enables different operators (baristas) to use the machine at the same time and with training several operators could keep an almost continual supply of coffee flowing at busy periods although this is a very labour intensive process.

Generally the busier you expect to be at peak periods then the more group heads you should consider on the model of machine. Bear in mind though that if you only have one operator then they are unlikely to be able to operate more than two groups at a time.

Semi-automatic machines require more operator attention as they will need to press the button to start the brew cycle, monitor its progress and press the same button again to stop. Obviously a longer drink (more water) takes longer than a standard espresso and the operator will need to monitor and react according.

Automatic espresso machines have buttons calibrated to pre-set drink brewing times enabling the operator to simply press the button once and the brew cycle is taken care of. Buttons are easily programmed in advance for different cup sizes and drink lengths for extra convenience and flexibility. Obviously the barista still has to pre-load and tamp the basket in the usual manner before executing the brew cycle.

Depending on the number of group heads most machines come with a suitable number of steam wands for frothing milk and perhaps a hot water arms for dispensing hot water for making tea.

Since a high percentage of drinks served will likely contain frothed milk it will be a good investment of your time to master the technique of frothing milk. It takes practice and some skill, but once learned it will enable you to produce fantastic looking and tasting drinks and allows you to train others.

It is possible to buy third party semi-automatic milk frothers that attach to the steam arm of the espresso machine to facilitate easier frothing but we feel that these should be avoided (though many might disagree). Add-on milk frothers can be clumsy and not function to a consistent basis as well taking some of the charm and sophistication out of the coffee producing process.

Whilst a traditional espresso machine looks fabulous and attracts attention, the sight of a plastic milk frother attached to the machine can have be detrimental!

Traditional espresso machines are big business. There are now a large number of manufacturers of such machines and the number is growing all the time.

It is best to choose a manufacture that they have been producing espresso machines for a number of years and are familiar with the industry.

Only consider plumbed models as some single group machines are available with an integral water tank but these can cause problems with 'stale' water.
Make sure the machine is made of high quality metal and not hardened plastic. Smaller, cheaper machines are available but should really be restricted to the domestic kitchen and never used in a commercial environment. You may make great savings initially but unless you are only serving a few cups a day you will very likely wish you had bought a more durable model in quick time.

Operating a commercial espresso machine does require expert trainning. Most reputable supply companies will provide onsite training to all relevant staff when the machine is installed and commissioned.

Staff should practice many times producing different speciality coffees before 'going live' with real customers. Particular attention should be paid to the tamper and milk frothing techniques.

Even the best and most reliable espresso machine will break down from time to time. Despite careful maintenance an espresso machine could still malfunction at least once a year to the extent that that an engineer is required.

It appears that the majority of engineer call outs to mend espresso machines are due to inadequate cleaning routines or user error. Problems can arise from bean contamination resulting in grinding errors, failing to empty the used grounds tray regularly and inadequate cleaning of the apparatus.

Most new espresso machines are sold with a 12 months parts and labour service included in the price. However this type of agreement only covers genuine machine faults, and NOT faults caused by user error or improper cleaning practices. Such engineer call outs are chargeable even if they fall within the 12 months guarantee period!

Boiler inspections ' All commercial espresso machines are required to have annual boiler inspections. This is due to the high pressures involved and is a health and safety issue. This is required under UK law.

It is recommended that a calcium treatment unit is installed close to the machine to eliminate limescale build-up. For the average use medium volume machine a 18-23 litre calcium treatment unit is recommended that will last for approximately 6000 cups.

A quality traditional espresso machine can be a real asset to any catering establishment. It offers a personal, time-honoured and successful way of producing high profit speciality coffee drinks.

Don't forget to pay particular attention to the servicing costs and water treatment systems.
However a reliable and well-maintained espresso machine should give many years of profitable service and provide excellent quality delicious drinks for your customers.

Go for Shopping in Australia

Yes, the world is getting smaller and flatter, thanks to the internet. Now, you can buy a pashmina shawl directly from Tibet and people from China can directly order Lamingtons and Tim Tams directly from the land down under. However, this interconnectedness is not without drawbacks.

Virtually is NOT as Good as Really

Even if you make a habit of shopping online, you wouldn’t necessarily want to buy from a company based overseas. For instance, if you are thinking of getting life insurance, you wouldn’t want to sign up with a company based in Russia. If you are buying groceries, you wouldn’t want to shop in a US based grocery store. If you are buying a pair of shoes, a power suit, perfume and women’s accessories for a job interview next week, you wouldn’t want to wait two weeks for your order to arrive from China.

I was once browsing through an online shopping directory and I found this online lingerie store that carried the most delightful, lace teddy lingerie. Unfortunately, the “people that be” at the shopping directory failed to mention that the women’s clothing store I bought the lingerie from was in fact based in the U.S. and not in Australia as I originally supposed.

The first time I knew about it was when my credit card bill came and I saw the charge. The teddy I bought cost me more than I was prepared to pay due to the disparity between USD and AUD as well as the currency conversion charge from my own credit card company. Furthermore, I actually had to wait ten days before I received the lingerie that I ordered.

In some cases, indeed, online stores that are virtually in Australia (read: shops that ship to Australia) are just not as good as shops that are really in Australia.

Shops in Oz for Shops that are Really in Australia

Fortunately, Shops in Oz the new Australian shopping directory for Australians, recognizes your need to distinguish Australian shops from shops that are merely available to Australians. Shops in Oz recognizes that even if you welcome the fact that you can buy books and magazines from the U.S, there are times when you need to buy such books and magazines from an Australia-based bookstore.

You can find all sorts of Australian companies at Shops in Oz – from stores that sell sportswear and eyewear to companies that sell pet products and administer auctions. You’ll come across online enterprises that offer flower delivery. If you need a new desktop computer, you’ll find computer hardware as well as computer software stores listed. Traveling would be a breeze with the help of Shops in Oz which has an extensive list of airport parking services, car rental companies and motor as well as travel insurance companies.

The best thing about Shops in Oz is the fact that it lists ONLY companies and service providers that are physically located in Australia. At Shops in Oz, you know that the stores listed are based in Australia, that a quote for $99.00 means 99 Australian Dollars, and that delivery of items purchased should take no longer than a few days because you’re shopping in Australia – not somewhere else.

So, what are you waiting for? Visit Shops in Oz now and discover the convenience of online shopping for Australians. At Shops in Oz, shopping in Australia means just that.

Your Choice Luxury Watches

Want to have that high end luxury Swiss watch on your hand but buying a car seems a better option. Yes, this is the reality. These status symbol watches carry a price tag that is beyond to afford for a normal person. Watches like Rolex, Cartier, Swiss watches etc are those names every one treasures in dreams. These watches are actually made for a niche category. They serve more in boosting one’s ego rather than doing its basic job.

Here comes the question. Will I never be able to put on that stunning Swiss watch on my wrist? Will I have to forego my desire of flaunting a Rolex in front of my friends? No! You can very well experience the pride of wearing that exquisite expensive watch being in your budget. This has been possible by emergence of many replica watches. Today, there is a big replica watch industry. You can find many online stores or vendors who sell fake Rolex watches at a fractional price of original one.

These replica Swiss watches are high in demand these days. If you can get your dream brand like replica Rolex without spending a fortune then why would not demand increase? These Swiss replica watches or other fake Rolex vendors actually borrow the copyrighted designs of these famous brands.

Replica watches are the best option for those who are not so well-to-do but want to enjoy that high class status by wearing those renowned luxury watches. Rolex replicas are sold a lot online. You can get same design within much lower prices. Though there will certainly be a difference between an original and a replica still no one can make out at the first sight.

Today imitation jewelry is getting popular, pirated CDs are mostly sold and replica industry is growing. The fact is that only a few people are able to afford it. There are only a handful of people for whom these extraordinary timepieces are manufactured. These are not produced on a mass scale. So, this idea of creating a fake item generated. Sometimes, it so happens that a Rolex replica looks more original than a real one. Many people buy these replica rolex watches.

If you want to purchase a Swiss replica watch, there are a many online sites that offer various well-known brands to choose from. Now, no need to feel low for not affording a big brand. You can easily avail the options available to satisfy your desire.

Handbag Lover's Tips

You love designer handbags. You collect them, lust after them and treat them better than your nearest and dearest. Your credit cards twitch and flinch when the latest fashion magazines arrive in the post, small whimpering sounds carrying to you gently rom your purse. You convince yourself that you can give them up anytime, no problem.

"It's not a problem" you tell your friends "I can control it. Then you catch yourself signing your husband up for an evening job without his knowledge, visions of the latest Hyanuki creation shimmering in front of your eyes as you fill out his application form. Are you an addict? Is your habit becoming dangerous? Will it all end in tears? Well, if any of the following symptoms are familiar to you -- maybe you should consider cutting down for a while to a lesser brand!

1) You hear the phrases "huffing", "shluffing" and "blopping" and know what they mean. Even worse, you can remember the last time you did any of them.
2) The UPS / FEDEX delivery men know you by your first name and say "Hi" to you in the street.
3) Your husband is convinced you're having an affair with the delivery guy as he's always at your house!
4) The "box" room has been renamed your "dressing room" and you're trying to work out which wall to knock down to make it bigger so that you can fit in the new closets you'll need for all your bags.
5) Your husband is telling you how badly damaged the cards are and how you'll both have to economise. All you hear is "Of course you can get another handbag darling. You go choose what you want and I'll arrange to sell a kidney!"
6) You have to find new places to hide your latest purchases so that you don't have to answer any difficult questions.
7) When you get asked about a new bag you lie through your teeth, claiming you've had it for years and have only just got it out of the cupboard.
8) You start arguments on purpose with your husband / boyfriend / whatever just so as to have an excuse to buy yourself a new handbag - to cheer yourself up as you felt so low!
9) You know exactly how much, as a percentage, your weekly grocery bill is as money you can't spend on a new handbag.
10) If anyone asks what you'd like as a birthday or xmas present , you are able to hand out a list of your desired bags that you'd like to be "surprised" with. The list is categorized by 17 different headings and is cross indexed.
11) The manager of your local boutique phones you to advise that they are holding a training session for new staff and can they please borrow some of your bags for the session.
12) They then phone back again and ask if you'd be prepared to give the training session instead.
13) Fashion magazines phone you to ask what you think the newest trend or design will be for the new season.
14) Your collection is so big - you have to use a card index to find the bag you need right now!
15) You walk past a field of cows and spend the next thirty minutes working out in your head how many bags and trim the herd would be good for. If any of these strike you just a little too close for comfort -- maybe you should consider cutting down a bit? sJust don't try going cold turkey -- it hurts like hell!