Chicken in Curry, Honey, Lemon and Soy Sauce

The best advice I’ve picked up in the past year is to freeze everything I can and save for later. Every time I make a meal, or cut onions, tomatoes, etc. I prepare a little extra and put it in well-sealed food packagings.

I make sure everything I freeze is labeled with accurate info on what’s inside the packaging and how much time I have to used it. Having these frozen meals and ingredients, I don’t spend time cooking on workdays. That really feels great.

What also feels great are quick delicious recipes. Here’s one that I use every time I have unplanned guests. While my husband drinks tea or coffee with them, I use that time to quickly defrost chicken breasts, and then I let the meat sit in a mixture I can whip up in 3 min:

1 tbsp. of honey
1 tsp. of curry powder
5-6 tbsp. of soy sauce
1 lemon juice

I mix these ingredients, cut chicken breasts into cubes or strips, and immerse them in the honey-curry-soy-lemon sauce. Then I join my husband in socializing.

When the meat is ready (after 30-45 minutes), you can heat the pan and add meat with everything it’s been soaking in. Cook for 5-10 minutes, or as much as needed to get the meat well done.

While you’re cooking the chicken, use another burner to cook some rice, broccoli or pasta. If you have more time, you can make mashed potatoes. If you also have lettuce or cherry tomatoes to serve with the main dish, your guests will be overjoyed. This is one of the simplest and yummiest dinners you can make.

And don’t forget the golden tip: freeze everything you don’t eat, it will come in handy one of the following days when you get home from work tired.

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