Learn to save Money when Buying Shoes

If you're trying to save money on shoes, you're not alone. Many people admit to having a penchant for shoe shopping and, given that designer shoes can cost hundreds of dollars, it's definitely not a cheap habit.

Saving money on shoes boils down to making small changes in how you shop and where you shop. If you can adjust the way that you shop and the styles that you shop for, you'll be able to save a lot of money.

The first strategy is to stick to classic shoe styles. It may be fun to pick up the latest trends, but, in a season or two, your shoes are going to look old and tired. If you are going to spend a good bit of money on your shoes, make sure that they will be usable for a while. Choosing shoes that are classic and stylish will let you get more bang for your buck.

Following this same line of thinking, stick to neutral tones. Matching your shoes with every shade of clothing that you own is a sure way to deplete your shoe budget. Pick three to five colors that will coordinate with the majority of your clothing. Obviously, black and brown will be two of those shades. You'll also want to add white into your equation, and a few accent colors. Once you select your colors, don't purchase anything that is outside of that color palette.

It may sound ironic, but one of the best ways to save money on shoes is to spend more on each pair. If you purchase good quality shoes that will last you several years, you'll actually end up saving money in the long run. For example, $30 pumps will wear out in just one season, meaning that you'll be spending $120 a year for just one type of shoe. On the other hand, if you spend $200 on a pair of shoes that lasts you 5 years, you're only spending $50 a year.

When you spend money on your shoes, it's important to keep them in good condition. Get to know your local shoe repair store and take your shoes in on a regular basis to repair wear and tear. This will keep your shoes lasting even longer.

You can also save money by carefully selecting where you shop for shoes. You can buy the same designer pair of shoes for much less by looking on an auction site, searching in the online classified ads (such as Craiglist.org) or shopping at designer discount stores in your local area. You can also save a bundle by having a coupon code for an online shoe retailer. It's not uncommon to find shoes marked down as much as 65 percent online and coupon codes can save you even more. Several of the big online shoe retailers offer free overnight shipping and free return shipping, if you need to send the selection back. If you know exactly what you want, and you are willing to shop around to find it, you'll be able to save on your shoes.

Finally, shopping at the right time of year can also save you even more on shoes. For example, instead of purchasing spring shoes right when the season hits wait a few months and buy when prices begin to drop. Even better yet, wait until the clearance sales at the end of the season and purchase shoes for the following year.
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