The Evolution of Men’s Fashion Industry

Men’s fashion industry flourished with the change that took place in the minds of the men regarding the need and value of being well-dressed, stylish and fashionable. Earlier, style, fashion and designer clothing were considered for women only. But today is a different scene. Today’s men are very much concerned about their attire and how do they look. They are ambitious and they are constantly seeking to explore new worlds to carve a niche in their professional life. They have realized that being well-dressed oozes out confidence and thereby enhance their appeal in the professional field. A major contribution is made by Mark McNairy in this respect.

Men are very much interested in designer wears. They are into wearing designer clothes from the popular brands which creates a wonderful impression and heightens the self-esteem. Teamed with the skills and confidence to excel, the zeal and determination to work harder and the confidence that comes with wearing the designer wears, today’s men are turning heads for sure. In this connection it is worth of mentioning the name of Mr. Mark McNairy for bringing out a revolutionary change in the menswear environment. His contribution towards making men’s clothing more appealing by putting forth interesting and unique fabrications and detailing into the collection of men’s designer wear is, indeed commendable and spectacular.

The twenty-first century is the age of mix and match. Fusion fashion, an innovative blend of vintage fashion and the modern and trendy clothing has caught the fancy of the fashion-conscious people. Women are very much excited about fusion fashion. But the men are also not lagging behind in terms of experimenting with clothes and accessories. While they are not experimenting much with formal or office wears, there is full-on experiment taking place with casual wears. The most attractive one which has come out and mostly seen nowadays is the interesting combination of bow ties with casual half-sleeve shirts and t-shirts. Bolo ties designed with stones and other funky jewellery pieces are extremely popular among the men. Talking about ties, it is mentionworthy that over the years the neck ties have experienced an interesting evolution. Gone are the days when male office-goers played it safe with neck ties of only grey and black colours. Checkered neck ties of various colours are to be seen in the fashion stores and the ‘Adams’ are no more playing it safe with the colours of neck ties. Again McNairy here leads from the front.

Therefore, it can be said that the men’s fashion industry is just prospering with full throttle with more and more men getting conscious of looks and dresses.